Chlorella is a type of algae that grows in fresh water. The whole plant is used to make nutritional supplements and medicine.
Most of the chlorella that is available in the U.S. is grown in Japan or Taiwan. It is processed and made into tablets and liquid extracts. These extracts contain "chlorella growth factor," which is described as a water-soluble extract of chlorella containing chemicals including amino acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins, sugars, and nucleic acids.
Be aware that chlorella products can vary significantly depending on the way “the crop” used to make them was cultivated, harvested, and processed. Investigators have found that dried preparation of chlorella can contain from 7% to 88% protein, 6% to 38% carbohydrate, and 7% to 75% fat.
As a medicine, chlorella is used for preventing cancer, reducing radiation treatment side effects, stimulating the immune system, improving response to flu vaccine, increasing white blood cell counts (especially in people with HIV infection or cancer),preventing colds, protecting the body against toxic metals such as lead and mercury, and slowing the aging process.
Chlorella is also used to increase “good” bacteria in the intestine in order to improve digestion; and to help treat ulcers, colitis, Crohn's disease, and diverticulosis.
Some people also use chlorella for the prevention of stress-related ulcers; treatment of constipation, bad breath, and hypertension; as an antioxidant; to reducecholesterol; to increase energy; to detoxify the body; and as a source of magnesiumto promote mental health, relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and reduce asthma attacks. It is also used for fibromyalgia.
Chlorella is applied to the skin for treating skin ulcers, rashes caused by radiation treatment, and a sexually transmitted disease called trichomoniasis.
How does it work?
Chlorella is a good source of protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals. The cell wall of chlorella must be broken down before people can digest it.
dapat dikelompokan menjadi 7 divisi berdasarkan dengan jenis pigmen yang
dihasilkan, yaitu Chloropyta, Euglenopyta, Pyrophyta, Rhodophyta, Chtysophyta,
Phaeopyta dan Cryptophyta (Salim, 2012). Divisi Chlorophyta adalah
kelompok alga yang paling banyak ditemukan. Ciri khas Chlorophyta adalah warna
tubuh sel yang mengandung pigmen warna klorofil. Chlorophyta merupakan
organisme prokaryotik. Memiliki kloroplas tipe klorofil a dan b, memiliki
pigmen tambahan berupa karotin, dan komponen dinding selnya adalah selulosa
(Kasrina et al ., 2012).
sp. termasuk kedalam jenis mikroalga hijau (Chlorophyta) yang tergolong kedalam
Class Chloropiceae. Bentuk umun dari mikroalga jenis Chlorella sp. ialah bulat atau elips (bulat telur). Berikut ialah
gambar Chlorella sp. serta taksonomi
Gambar 1. Chlorella sp.
Klasifikasi Chlorella
asp menurut Bold and Wynne (1985), adalah sebagai berikut:
: Plantae
: Chlorophyta
: Chlorophyceae
: Cholrococcales
: Oocystaceae
: Chlorella
: Chlorella vulgaris sp.
Diameter sel mikroalga
jenis Chlorella sp. umumnya
berkisaran 3 – 9 µm, banyak jenis dari Chlorella
sp. memiliki kemampuan untuk pertumbuhan berfotosintesis atau tidak adanya
cahaya dengan mengambil bahan organik langsung dari medium. Beberapa spesies
jenis chlorella sp. dapat tumbuh di air tawar dan air laut.
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